I am SOOOOOOOO Sorry. Seriously. I should have been waaay better than this.
I left off before Zaza. Let me just say it was awesome!! I wouldn't recommend staying there because for what you pay...they should have been waaaaaaaay nice, waaaaaaaaaaay better and EVERYTHING should have worked, but w/e. I mean...we were staying in the MOST EXPENSIVE hotel in Dallas. We should have been treated like, uh... rockstars. tehe.
Here are some pics:
(Top to bottom: Kandice and Nush at Jake's after the first night, Jackie and me at Jakes, Nush and Janette & Nush on work day, Colton & Jackie (the boys got to come see us on the last night), Jackie, Kandi, Sarah and me at the Dragonfly VIP.
We also had an ice day that cancelled school
Top to bottom: chuck outside trying to figure out what the heck is covering the grass, ice hanging from my side mirror at my car when I had to meet at IKEA to get a new phone (yes, that is ICE on the ground).
Colton and I were bored one night (while it was still cold) and headed out to Mockingbird Station...
I do have fun pics from a date night with a bunch of friends for Nush & Janette's birthday. We went to Chaucers in frisco...
Chuck's ear was great for a few days after taking the stitches out, but it split back apart (guess they werent in long enough) but it isn't as bad (half of it stayed closed up, just part of the bottom). I am trying to not let it bother me (except for the part that we paid all that money and now its back apart). :(
Also, I started something this year that I am real proud of. It is my "Good things in 2009" That I will post monthly. Of course I have it done, but it is at home and I am at work. I will post it later today.
Calming Chicken Dog Jello Shots
1 month ago